Social Service General Surgery Specialist Study Program of Udayana Faculty of Medicine At Pinggan Village

In Order to implement one of the Tri dharma of University, which is community service, the General Surgery Study Program of the Udayana Faculty of Medicine carried out Social Service activities at the Pinggan Village, Kintamani District, Bangli on June 25, 2022.

This activity was carried out as one of the series for the Anniversary event of the General Surgery Study Program whose the peak event will be on 19 August. This event also invites alumnus to participate. The event was attended by the Head of the local Health Office, dr. Nyoman Arsana, Head of Department of Surgery, dr. I Made Darmajaya, Sp.B, SP.BA(K), MARS, Coordinator of Surgery Study Program Dr. dr. I Made Mulyawan, Sp.B-KBD and the head of Pinggan Village, Mr. Ketut Janji.

These social service activities consist of counseling, free medical check-ups and treatment, distribution of basic necessities, tumor screening, vasectomy, and minor surgery. The Counseling Material is about mumps and snake bite, so that people will be more familiar with these diseases and the first treatment. Free treatment begins with a health checkup and continues with simple blood tests such as blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid test. The vasectomy activity is in collaboration with the BKKBN and the Pinggan Village Supporting Health Center (PUSTU). The enthusiasm of the community is very high to participate in the event as evidenced by the presence of approximately 300 people.

The activity was closed with praying together at Pura Dalem Balingkang to give thanks because all the activities of the event ran in an orderly and smooth manner. It is hoped that this activity will have a positive impact on the people of Pinggan village in the form of increasing knowledge and helping the health of the local community.