Social Service of 32nd Anniversary of General Surgery Specialist Programme

Social Service was held by the General Surgery Specialist Programme of Udayana University in Payangan on 22nd of July 2023. Social Service was rendered in order to accomplish Tri Dharma Perguruan TInggi, which is one of three “Dharma” - Education, Research and Public Service.

Event began at 8 A.M. WITA ended at 4 P.M. WITA, which was held in two different places simultaneously which were Payangan Public Health Center and Payangan General Regional Hospital. Health Education and Breast Ultrasound Screening were held at Payangan Public Health Center, while Colonoscopy Screening was held at Payangan General Regional Hospital. The Health Education speeches were “Mengenal Lebih Dekat tentang Varises” spoken by dr. IGAB Krisna Wibawa Sp. B, Subsp. BVE(K) and “Penanganan Awal Terjadi Bencana” spoken dr. I Ketut Wiargitha, Sp. B (K) Trauma. Breast Ultrasound Screening was held after Health Education speeches and went well. Colonoscopy Screening was done in Payangan General Regional Hospital at the same time when speeches and breast screening were run.

At the end of the event, the General Surgery Specialist Programme of Udayana University had donated groceries consisting of bags of cooking oil and packs of instant noodles which were directly accepted by locals who attended the event.