General Surgery Program of Udayana Medical Faculty collaborated with Denpasar Branch of IDI held ACUTE CARE SURGERY WEBINAR in order to implement one of "Tri dharma" of University. This Webinar had been held online at April 30,  2022 and was attended by almost 100 participants. This Webinar was moderated by dr. Mira Dewi Prawira with very interesting topics :

1.    Management of Multiple Trauma Patients presented by dr. Putu Astri Novianti, M. Biomed, Sp.B

2.   Emergency Head and Neck Cases presented by dr. I Wayan Periadijaya, Sp.B (K)Trauma-KL

3.   Managament Trauma in Rural Hospital presented by Dr. Putu Gosen Partama, M. Biomed, Sp. B


This webinar ran smoothly for about two hours and the participants were very enthusiastic.

We hope in the future , similiar activity can be held again to improve the knowledge in Surgery topics and studies that is constantly evolving